Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the breadman (& honey whole wheat bread)

confession: i've always wanted to be one of those people who makes fabulous homemade bread.

confession #2: making bread is way too time consuming to actually be worth it to me on any regular basis.

solution? meet the breadman.
my sweet hubby bought me one of these a few months ago. it's amazing. just put all the ingredients in and viola! bread!

i admit that i don't love the shape of the loaf, though. luckily the breadman gives me an easy way to fix this. so i did an experiment and ran a recipe through the dough cycle and then punched it down, let it rise in a loaf pan and baked it in my oven. perfect.

so here's my favorite bread recipe so far. it's amazing. i can hardly keep my hands off of it.

please share if you have a favorite bread recipe. i need more!!

honey whole wheat bread
modified from here

1 1/8 cup warm water (110 degrees F)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup bread flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon bread machine yeast (or 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast)

1. add ingredients to your bread machine in order suggested (mine suggests the order above).
2. run through dough cycle on bread machine.
3. punch dough down and transfer to a greased loaf pan. cover with plastic wrap and let rise 30 to 60 minutes. (option: put a pan with a few inches of water on the bottom rack of your oven while baking the bread. i haven't decided if i like it this way or without it better!)
4. bake in oven for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. (if your 1st loaf is a tiny bit doughy bake the next one for 26-27 minutes - i think my oven is a little funky though.)
5. let cool 30 minutes before cutting.
6. try not to eat the whole loaf in one sitting! :)


  1. That looks like a nice, soft wheat bread! I love your idea of kneading the dough in the machine and then baking it separately. I think I should suggest this to my mom because she has an old bread machine that she never uses because of the odd shape of the bread!

  2. Every time I make something with yeast half the time it rises and half the time it doesn't. I think my problem is the water temperature. Do you have any tips on getting it right? Any other reasons it wouldn't rise? Do you have to buy bread machine flour?

  3. nothing beats homemade bread! I usually don't bake bread in a bread machine either...the loaf looks funny and doesn't bake it to perfection in my opinion.

  4. Yay for the breadman...I so want one too! I always make homemade bread. It keeps very well in the freezer so I can make multiple loaves, and I can save at least $5 a wk by making it myself. On me and my sisters blog (the cooking chicks), my sister Sarah posted my two all time favorites! The 100% WHole Wheat bread and the Amish White Bread (for when my hubby wants a break from the whole wheat). Both recipes cut amazingly well (thin) and dont crumble. Theres nothing like a fresh BLT or Grilled cheese on homemade bread!

  5. That's the only way I use my bread maker! I even use the bread maker to make dough for homemade tortillas (although, they're probably not Skinny Bovine-friendly :) ). We've been experimenting with whole wheat recipes too lately. I'll have to give this a try.

  6. I too love the idea of making homemade bread - it just seems so romantic! LOL :) It does come out a little weird. I may have to try baking it - and I am for sure going to use this recipe with Kamut Khorasan Wheat flour if I can - the best! Thanks!!

  7. If you think wonderful homemade bread is too time consuming or hard think again! Check out Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day! It is my new love! The best part is that there is NO KNEADING required!

    Check out some of the recipes I've tried at my blog!

    All of the yummy bread is under the bread label!

  8. What if you don't have bread flour? Can you use all whole wheat?
