Friday, September 19, 2008

the incredible, edible egg

since i'm nursing a baby, exercising and am a generally insatiably hungry skinny bovine, a quick, protein-rich snack is a must in my day. for me, that protein/energy fix is usually a hard-boiled egg (salted, of course!). here are just a few reasons eggs are skinny bovine-worthy:
  • they are good fat, high-quality protein and not as linked to bad cholesterol as researchers used to think. (for more on the health benefits of eggs click here.)
  • soooo cheap! on average they are less than $0.20 per egg - on sale they're even less!
  • so many different ways to eat them - hard-boiled, scrambled, over easy, etc, etc, etc. keeps it interesting so you don't get bored of them.

make a batch of hard-boiled eggs to try for a quick snack at your house. my mom taught me how to make perfect hard-boiled eggs. here are the steps:

  1. arrange eggs in the bottom of a large pot.
  2. add cold water just above the top of the eggs.
  3. bring to a boil on the stove and then turn down so it is barely at a rolling boil.
  4. leave at rolling boil for 15 minutes.
  5. remove from heat, drain hot water and run cold water over eggs. let eggs sit in the cold water until they are cool.

i don't particularly like the usual "breakfast for dinner" scenario, with syrup, orange juice and the like - something hearty is better in my book. that's another fun thing about eggs - they are hearty enough to eat for dinner. when i was a freshman in college my best friend maggi taught me to make "cheesy waffles". she liked to top them with syrup, but i like to put eggs on mine and eat them like a sandwich. so in honor of my maggi, we'll call this recipe "cheesy waffles and eggs" and a bonus of "quick breakfast cobbler".

cheesy waffles and eggs & quick breakfast cobbler

cheesy waffles and eggs
2 eggs - cooked your favorite way
waffle mix, made as per directions
cheese (sharp cheddar is yummiest, but whatever you have will work!)

  1. pour waffle batter into waffle iron (the thinner the waffles, the better!). top with cheese as seen in picture below. (top with cheese before you close the waffle iron.)
  2. while waffles are cooking, make your eggs as desired.
  3. top waffles with eggs. cover in syrup, more cheese, eat with a fork, eat like a sandwich - whatever you'd like!
quick breakfast cobbler (1 piece of fruit serves 2 people as a side dish)
1 ripe peach or nectarine
3 tablespoons oats
1-2 tablespoons brown sugar

combine all ingredients. heat in microwave for 1 minute.


  1. Your food shots look great in this post!

  2. That cobbler sounds tasty. I even have everything I need to make it. :) Maybe I'll heat some up for Jeff's breakfast tomorrow. I'd never thought to make cheesy waffles, either. You are giving me so many great ideas! Also, I was going to add something interesting about eggs: Jeff cooks them the way you learned from your mom, and I like to have mine sit in the cool water, bring to a boil, then cover and remove from heat so they cook in the gradually cooling water in a way. I think they turn out great either way! :) I had an egg sandwich for breakfast today, and I agree that eggs are fantastic.

  3. the cobbler WAS tasty! Didn't get up in time to fix it for Jeff but I enjoyed it. :)

  4. glad you found some new ideas in this post stace! and that's why i love that cobbler too - i always have the stuff sitting there ready to go and no butter so i don't feel like i'm eating dessert for breakfast. :) i like to make it and then pour my hot cereal over it too!! and good with the eggs. i'll have to try it that way next time.

  5. I cannot believe I forgot about cheesy waffles. Thank you! Makes me miss my roomies.

  6. i can't believe you forgot about cheesy waffles either. maggi is a genius. love you, bek!

  7. and thanks, angie! i'm trying really hard to not be completely disappointing with my food photography! :)

  8. Britt-
    I didn't know you had this blog. I looove it. You are so awesome! What a great idea! Well you have one more big fan. Just when I thought you couldnt get any cooler . . . .

  9. thanks, dani! it definitely keeps me motivated when cooking! :)

  10. This meal was delicious! Tyler and I tried it last night and it was yummy. We loved the cobbler too. Quick, tasty, and way less fat than regular cobbler. Good recipes. Thanks!
